Raw To Go delivers the best RAW ground meats for dogs and cats in the Boston/New England area.
We deliver to convenient pickup locations along Rte 128 in the Boston, MA metro area, and along I-95 in southern New Hampshire and southern Maine. See exact locations and the map below.
Deliveries occur once a month, on one full day, according to our set monthly schedule (see below).

Orders can be placed anytime, but must be received approximately two weeks prior to the monthly delivery day.
When you order, at the end of the checkout process, you will be asked where/when you would like to pick up your order. 3-5 days prior to delivery day, you may also receive a text or email confirming your delivery/pickup location. You can meet the delivery truck at whichever spot works for you, but it must match with what you specified, as we have multiple delivery routes. The truck will be at each stop for approximately 15 minutes before departing to its next stop.
All case orders will incur a $12.50 Delivery/Pickup fee. The fee is the same whether you order 1 case or 8 cases. Sampler Pack or Bag orders [up to a total of 2] will not incur a delivery fee.
All current Members in good standing enjoy FREE Delivery/Pickup of their orders. See our Membership page to learn more.
Note: Additional delivery fees may apply if your order is not picked up along the delivery routes on the set delivery day. Special arrangements will have to be made. Please contact us as soon as possible if you are unable to meet us on the regular delivery day.

Order Deadline & Delivery Schedule
Orders can be placed anytime, but must be received by the monthly order deadline in order to be received later that month.
We will notify you of the specific delivery date and schedule as soon as we know, approximately 3-5 days prior to the delivery.
8 pm, Tues, Jan 7
8 pm, Tues, Feb 11
8 pm, Tues, Mar 11
8 pm, Tues, April 8
8 pm, Tues, May 6
8 pm, Tues, June 3
8 pm, Tues, July 8
8 pm, Tues, Aug 5
8 pm, Tues, Sept 2
8 pm, Tues, Oct 7
8 pm, Tues, Nov 4
8 pm, Tues, Dec 2
Tues, Jan 21
Tues, Feb 25
Tues, Mar 25
Tues, April 22
Tues, May 20
Tues, June 17
Tues, July 22
Tues, Aug 19
Tues, Sept 16
Tues, Oct 21
Tues, Nov 18
Tues, Dec 16
Note: Dates subject to change
Pickup Locations
MANCHESTER, MA [Conservation Area parking lot, 334 Southern Ave]
BEVERLY, MA [Shaws Plaza, side parking lot to right of Shaws, 65 Dodge St]
LYNNFIELD, MA [Whole Foods parking lot at Lynnfield Market, 427 Walnut St]
BURLINGTON, MA [Crate & Barrel parking lot at Burlington Mall, 75 Middlesex Turnpike]
RANDOLPH/STOUGHTON, MA [Showcase Cinema parking lot, 73 Mazzeo Dr, Randolph]
NEEDHAM, MA [Marriott parking lot, 80 B Street]
BOSTON, MA [Ink Block, across from mural, parking lot at 34 Traveler St]
ARLINGTON, MA [St. Camillus Parish parking lot, 1175 Concord Turnpike]
FRAMINGHAM, MA [Sheraton parking lot, 1657 Worcester Rd]
GEORGETOWN, MA [Archers Artemis parking lot, 16 Carleton Drive]
SEABROOK, NH [The Brook parking lot, 319 New Zealand Rd]
SACO, ME [Saco & Biddeford Savings Inst. parking lot, 50 Industrial Park Rd]